
About the Developer

My name is Morgan Perez, I am a student at K-State Polytechnic studying Digital Media and Computer Systems Technology. As of now I have two years experience in studying these subjects and have learned a lot from the projects I have completed throughout my courses.

My take on Business Ethics

Business ethics to me is to understand that there are numerous factors to consider when both accepting or working on a project. This includes, but is not limited to; conflicts of interest, handling personal information/ maintaining security, and thinking about possible consequences from certain actions whether by myself or another in the workplace. I also understand that when doing any kind of work, if it is not original material, then those with ownership of the original material or were used as a major source of inspiration deserve credit. All sources need to be sited and certain pieces of material may require a license before legal use. Not only should a designer abide by their own ethics but they need to also follow the guidelines and rules set by the justice system. The final piece to how I view business ethics is: the job of the designer to help those with a vision achieve it through skills unpossessed by them. This should be done in a manner in which proper credit is given, a fair price is set, and no person, company, or any other form of being is harmed in the process.